Police interactions are not new social factors to deal with in our modern society; they have been sources of news and social and political debates for decades. The relationship between a citizen and a police officer is a complicated one, which is why there have been so many confusing narratives surrounding this topic. The relationship also involves various social and demographic layers that also add to the difficult debates. It’s important, as an American adult, to be aware of this relationship and to know how to properly respect your local law enforcement.
What Are The Different Social Factors Associated With Law Enforcement Interactions?
The three main social factors involved with police interactions are race, gender, and age. Racial tension between police and citizens is the number one social factor that has been presented through social media and news outlets recently. Black people are disproportionately more likely to be involved in a law enforcement encounters; since 2003 all stop-and-frisk victims were black, and 31 percent were Latino. The social factor of gender also creates a severe divide between police and civilians. Interaction between police and female prostitutes and female domestic abuse victims have been tense and sexist-fueled, but these encounters are rare. Men, on the other hand, make up 94 percent of police killings, and are also responsible for 98 percent of police murders (this could attribute to the fact that men commit most crimes). Lastly, age does play a role in these interactions; young people are more vulnerable and easier to attack because of their lack of knowledge relating to law enforcement respect.
How Do I Act Respectfully Towards The Police?
The number one rule is to remain silent. No matter how badly you want to retort or argue your arrest, your safest bet is to stay quiet and hire a lawyer as soon as possible. The second thing to be aware of is your responsibility; be accountable for your actions and be mindful of the situations you’ve put yourself in.
If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense, the lawyers at Gelman Law can assist you with your criminal investigation and court dealings.